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If you do not agree with this Term or with any conditions here contained, we advise you not to use the online platform. Once you log into the site, you indicate having read this document and agreeing with the terms of use.


VALGROUP reserves the right to modify this TERM at any moment and without prior notice. When using the SITE, the user agrees that VALGROUP can modify this TERM unilaterally with a simple notice sent via e-amil or an automatic message in the site.

The use of the online platform, resources, and tools available is ruled by this TERM and by the PRIVACY POLICY, and both of them are applicable to any user of the platform. We clarify that the terms “User” or “You” have the same meaning for all users of the SITE, either hired, third parties, clients and/or any legal or individual entity that may have any interaction with the SITE.

Additionally, all Users are subject to specific agreements that will be signed by the parties.



By the present document, VALGROUP concedes you a limited license, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and non-revocable to use this SITE according to the TERM and PRIVACY POLICY.

The SITE will be available for the worldwide network of Internet through:

The user can log in by using a computer or cell phone connected to Internet as Wi-fi connection, 3G or 4G. The SITE cannot be used without this kind of connection and technology, and the acquisition of such connections is your own responsibility.



The SITE, as well as all elements involved, is detained, or controlled by VALGROUP and is protected by law against unauthorized use. You do not acquire any right when using the SITE, to download or send any content, unless it is expressly described in this TERM. You commit not to copy, modify, redistribute, decompile, do reverse engineering, translate, publish, or exploit the SITE in anyway.



To use the SITE, it is necessary that the User creates a username and inform some personal data. Please, read the PRIVACY POLICY to understand how the SITE will access your data. When registering, the User declares to have read, understood, and accepted the terms of this document and the PRIVACY POLICY.

It is the User’s exclusive responsibility to provide, update and guarantee the veracity of the registration data and is forbidden to create more than one registration per person.

The user commits not to give out his registration data and the access to the platform to third parties, taking integral responsibility for the use that he agreed to.

After confirming the registration, the user will have a login and a personal password, which assures the user to his exclusive access. This way, it is only the user who will maintain the referred password confidentially and safely, in order to avoid unauthorized use of personal data.

Every and any activity performed with the password will be the user’s responsibility and we should be informed immediately in case of an unauthorized login.



The platform will serve essentially to consult information, issue reports and invoices (“Services”), related to the contract or existent commercial relationship between VALGROUP and the end-user. The personal and non-transferable access will be given exclusively to the relevant parties and will be not accessible to everyone else.



The present Term establishes the legal grounds between the company and the end user.

When using the platform, the user accepts integrally the current rules and commits to fulfill them under applicable penalties.

The acceptance of this document is crucial for the access and use of any services provided by the company. If you do not agree with the provisions of this instrument, the user should not use our website.



End users always have access to the online resources. However, browsing the platform or some of their pages can be interrupted, limited, or suspended for updates, alterations, or any necessary action for a better performance.



In case of any question, doubt, suggestion, or problem with the use of the platform, the user can contact our support via



All the information provided by the User are stored in servers or high-security magnetic means.

VALGROUP will take all reasonable measures to maintain the confidentiality and the safety of the User’s information, but it is not our responsibility for any damage that can be derived from the violation of the safety measures by using third parties and unauthorized means, fraudulent or illegal ways to access information stored in our servers or database used by VALGROUP.

VALGROUP may use the user’s data for analysis, studies, reports preparation, and everything else for the development and optimal performance of the SITE, making data anonymous, whenever possible.

VALGROUP, for legal reasons, will keep on its database all information collected from the user that excluded or blocked or cancelled their registration.

The login and password of each User serves as a guarantee of its privacy and security. VALGROUP does not authorize that this data be shared with third parties and will not be liable for damages originated by sharing that information.

VALGROUP follows all safety standards commonly used by companies that work with transmission and retention of data to guarantee security to their Users. However, any method of transmission or retention of electronical data is not completely safe and can be subject to external attacks. Therefore, in spite of using all means reasonably and existent, VALGROUP cannot guarantee absolutely security to the information provided. The User that opts to use the SITE should agree and accept the risk.

The User should be aware that VALGROUP will provide all information requested by public entities, duly justified and compatible with the applicable law.

The User cannot obtain, keep, release, commercialize and/or use personal data of other Users.



VALGROUP is not liable for dependencies, technical or operational defects resulting from the SITE and/or its use.

VALGROUP is not liable for any damage, prejudice or loss caused to the User resulting from failures of his Internet connection, provider, system, or server.

VALGROUP is not liable for any virus, trojan, malware, spyware or any software that can damage, modify, or infiltrate the User’s equipment resulting from the access, functioning, or browsing the Internet, or as a consequence of data transfer in the form of information, files, images, texts, or recordings, etc.

VALGROUP is not responsible for the compatibility between its SITE and the hardware of the User’s property. The user should maintain his equipment updated and cannot blame VALGROUP in case the SITE cannot be accessed on certain equipment.

The SITE is provided to the user “in the current situation” and “according to its availability”, without any guarantee, condition, term, or declaration expressed or implicit, including, but not limited to, any performance guarantee or adaptation of a specific purpose.

VALGROUP is not liable for any direct or indirect damage (including, but not limited to, lost profits or loss/interruption of the business) resulting from the SITE, functioning or the disability of using the SITE, separately or combined with any other application, software, or others.



The User cannot give or transfer the rights or obligations of this TERM.

In the event of any provisions of this document is considered null, invalid, or illegal, the other provisions will remain in force and unchanged and the provisions considered nulled, invalid, or illegal should be applied to its fullest extent as legally permitted until substituted.

The tolerance in terms of non-compliance or partial fulfillment of any obligation inserted in this TERM, does not characterize novation, waiver, forgiveness, precedent, or alteration of any of the parties.

This document is subject to the applicable laws in the Federative Republic of Brazil, specifically the Forum of the City of Lorena, State of São Paulo for any concerning issue and it excludes all other jurisdictions.

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