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For over 45 years in the market, Valgroup has become one of the largest producers, transformers and recyclers of plastic, with operations in Brazil, Italy, Spain, United States, Mexico and Uruguay, with more than 6.500 employees in 40 plants.

We are a consolidated company seeking to lead the plastic packaging market in the Americas through sustainable innovations and recognition as a benchmark in the circular economy, being one of the first companies in the world to sign the Global Commitment to the New Plastics Economy.

We will recycle 100% of what we produce and be ZERO NET by 2040

Goals and initiatives

Our Purpose

To improve quality of life by developing innovative and sustainable packaging solutions, optimizing resources, and supporting the circular economy of plastics.

Our Vision

To lead the plastic packaging market in the Americas through sustainable innovation, being recognized as a leader in the circular economy.

Our Values

Sustainability is in our DNA and we will lead the transformation of our market toward a sustainable industry.

We respect all of our relationships: not only among employees, but also with customers and suppliers. Together we are able to achieve the breakthroughs that we seek to bring to our industry.

The search for innovation is incessant. We innovate in products, processes, equipment, and services.

We are big because we are simple. And we make a point of continuing to grow while keeping it simple.

We are intensely dedicated to our people: we seek satisfaction, continuous development, and the engagement of our employees.

We grew up being recognized for our agility and, regardless of our size, we cannot give it up.

We work with a sense of belonging. We all feel we are owners of a company and of a cause.


40 plants in 6 countries

Brazil Aracati - Ceará Araguari - Minas Gerais Betim - Minas Gerais Camaçari - Bahia Duque de Caxias - Rio de Janeiro Ipojuca - Pernambuco Itamonte - Minas Gerais Itanhandu - Minas Gerais Lorena - São Paulo Manaus - Amazonas Nerópolis - Goiás Nova Iguaçu - Rio de Janeiro Passa Quatro - Minas Gerais Passo Fundo - Rio Grande do Sul Poços de Caldas - Minas Gerais São Paulo - São Paulo
United States Findlay - Ohio
Spain Torremejía
Mexico Guanajuato Monterrey
Uruguay San José
Itália Villa Lempa - Teramo

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