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Sustainability is at our core

It is our main business focus and is fully integrated into our initiatives to support the development of an efficient circular economy, in which plastics never become waste.

To this end, we have made commitments to the environment and society, and we act in an ethical and transparent manner.

Discover our initiatives

Learn more about our goals and purposes


Carbon Neutrality by 2040

Recycling 100% of the volume produced by 2040

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Contribute to hunger eradication
Supporting quality education for vulnerable children and young people
Work for the respect of human rights
Support diversity and inclusion through providing fair opportunities

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To act in accordance with international governance best practices

Act strictly in accordance with the Global Ethics and Compliance Program

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Stay on top of the universe of plastic technology, innovation and sustainability.


Stretch film consumption reduced by up to 70% with Valgroup machines
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Hora da Leitura: cultivating children's love for literature throughout Brazil
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Valgroup heat shrink packaging for poultry arrives in Europe
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Otimize e valide seu processo de paletização com o Load Test Center (LTC) | Estudo de Caso: Envasadora de Água Mineral
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