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Valgroup heat shrink packaging for poultry arrives in Europe


Valgroup shrink bags are in Europe! After a period of tests and negotiations, we are now supplying poultry packaging to the European market. This achievement is a milestone for Valgroup, especially in the Shrink Bags unit.

Valgroup has found an outstanding partner in Penelope, a brand specializing in ducks, owned by the renowned BulChicken. Penelope recently acquired a batch of more than 80,000 units of our SB3000P packaging, with white pigmentation and printing, destined to serve consumers in Europe and around the world.

Penelope’s choice of our packaging range is recognition of the quality and reliability of Valgroup’s products. The company is facing a growing demand for packaging that serves the duck meat market in Europe, and our products have been the perfect solution to meet this need.

Being present in the European market is a remarkable achievement for Valgroup. This market is known for its strict regulations and exceptional quality standards. We are constantly evolving to serve a market that demands the best in packaging.


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