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0 PET bottles from the environment


Valgroup Agro Drums and Agro Bottles – Reliability and Versatility for the Field

Among Valgroup's solutions for the agricultural market are bottles, which can be made from either PET or HDPE, and whose versatility allows the agricultural producer to use them for several applications, not limited only to the bottling of fertilizers. In addition, in some cases, they can be composed of post-consumer recycled resin (PCR), making the operation more sustainable.


20L PET Drum

In 2018, Valgroup launched the 20 liter drum made of PET, at the expense of HDPE (high density polyethylene), the traditional raw material in the production of drums.


The plastics industry and the pet market

Brazil became, in 2019, the second largest market for pet products in the world, (behind only the U.S.) and moved about R$ 35.4 billion up to the third quarter of that year. This sector, which grows continuously, corresponds to 0.36% of the national GDP.


Valgroup Packaging for the Tissue Market

Valgroup also has complete solutions for the Tissue market. These are primary, secondary and tertiary packages that guarantee logistical safety, highlight the product on the shelf, as well as make the packaging process easier and more efficient, reducing waste and excessive use of film.


Valgroup Standard Rigid Packages

Valgroup is aiming to supply the demand and meet the requirements of final consumers, and has invested heavily in its portfolio of standard rigid packages. We have a varied selection, which serves several markets with a wide range of products.


Single-material packaging – Because in recycling, less is more

Although multimaterial plastic packaging components are essentially recyclable, nowadays recycling this type of waste is still a challenge for the circular economy due to a lack of technologies for the efficient separation of these different components, which makes the process laborious and costly from start to finish.


Sacos para lixo Valgroup – Descubra qual é o melhor para a sua rotina

Todos os dias, nós geramos lixo em maior ou menor quantidade. Esse volume tem a ver, entre outros fatores, com o contexto em que estamos inseridos: você mora em uma casa? Ela tem jardim ou não? Quintal? Quantas pessoas moram na casa? E se for apartamento? Tem uma empresa?

Essas indagações também são relevantes na hora de escolher o saco de lixo ideal para lidar com os resíduos. Confira esse guia prático:


After all, do you really know what plastic is?

We have already covered many subjects related to the plastic universe here on Valgroup’s blog: technology, innovation, sustainability and its importance to society, among others. Through these, you should have a good idea of the impact plastic has in our lives and how its evolution has revolutionized the industries. But do you know what plastic is?


Why is plastic packaging ideal for food?

You may have noticed that most of the food packaging we come across every day is made of plastic. No wonder. This is because plastic retains the physical and nutritional properties of the food, is resistant to contamination and prolongs product's shelf life.
All this is only possible because plastic is a versatile, lightweight, inert and non-toxic material, and for this reason it is considered the ideal material for food packaging.


Sustainability, efficiency and product safety: Caps Valgroup

Focused on efficiency and sustainability, the Valgroup Caps unit incorporates systems with the latest generation technology which allows improved dimensional control and optimum production efficiency. In addition, all the cap projects are born with a light-weighting concept, resulting in lower waste generation and reduction of carbon emissions. We currently produce caps for carbonated and non-carbonated […]

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