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Stay tuned to the world of technology, innovation and sustainability in plastics


Stay tuned to the world of technology, innovation and sustainability in plastics


Stretch film consumption reduced by up to 70% with Valgroup machines
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Hora da Leitura: cultivating children's love for literature throughout Brazil
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Valgroup heat shrink packaging for poultry arrives in Europe
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Otimize e valide seu processo de paletização com o Load Test Center (LTC) | Estudo de Caso: Envasadora de Água Mineral
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Valgroup Laminated Films: Technology, Sustainability, and Innovation

Valgroup is a standout company in the packaging industry, offering innovative solutions that enhance products and provide convenience to consumers. Laminated Films are versatile and compatible with a wide range of products, thanks to their medium and high barrier properties. Additionally, these packages are designed to provide an excellent cost-benefit ratio. In the past year, […]


Valgroup Run: Running and Solidarity

The Valgroup Run is more than just a simple street race; it is an event that promotes health and well-being, not only for its employees but for society as a whole. More than a sports competition, the race’s purpose is to strengthen Valgroup’s social commitment, contributing to the well-being of the community at large. It’s […]


Maximize a eficiência de seu processo de embalagem com o Lean Packaging Service (LPS) – Estudo de Caso: empresa fabricante de produtos químicos

  Como demonstrado em nosso último artigo, se você está buscando maneiras de otimizar o uso das embalagens e impulsionar a eficiência de sua operação, nossa consultoria especializada, Lean Packaging Service (LPS), está pronta para oferecer soluções inteligentes e estratégicas que irão transformar a maneira como você embala e apresenta seus produtos.  Com um olhar […]


The new Global Plastics Pact

March 2nd of 2022 has become a very important date. On this day, the UN agreed to open negotiations for the first global agreement against land and marine plastic pollution, a landmark initiative in the fight to preserve biodiversity.


What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Created by the United Nations (UN) in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals are a global call to action to end poverty, protect the environment, and ensure that the entire world can enjoy peace and prosperity while living in harmony with the environment.


Do you know what ESG is and how important this concept is for companies and for the planet?

ESG stands for environmental, social and governance, and corresponds to an organization’s environmental, social and governance practices. The acronym appeared for the first time in 2004, within a working group of Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), a network linked to the UN, which aims to convince investors about sustainable investments.

Circular Economy

Should we sanitize recyclable plastic waste before disposing of it?

This is a very common question when disposing of household waste, especially among those people who are willing to properly dispose of the waste they generate.

Circular Economy

Earth Overload Day

Seeking to make the population aware of this problem and awaken action for its solution, Earth Overload Day was created, the date that marks the exact day of the year when we exceed the planet's environmental limits, accounting for both the consumption of resources such as water and wood, as well as the emission of greenhouse gases.

Circular Economy

How to identify recyclable packaging?

Have you ever noticed that, on labels or on the plastic packaging itself, there is a triangular symbol formed by little arrows and inside of it, a number from 1 to 7?
Many times it goes unnoticed, but it is there for a very important reason: to identify the type of plastic that that package is made from in order to facilitate separation and recycling. For this reason, it is important to always check the label.


Deink Brasil launches new technology for recycling plastic packaging

Deink Brasil, a Valgroup investee company, launches a new process called DEINK 4D (delamination, demetallization, de-inking and disruption) that opens a new era in plastic film by recycling the components present in food and beverage packaging and labels, generating a new natural plastic resin with countless applications.    The process developed by Deink Brasil opens a […]


LTC: Americas' most complete transportation simulation laboratory

Valgroup’s Load Test Center (LTC) stands out as the only laboratory in Latin America with the ability to provide real results in load safety and efficient packaging consumption. Equipped with high-tech resources for transportation simulation and analysis of stretch and shrink films, the LTC assumes a fundamental role in the current business landscape. The laboratory […]


Sacos para lixo Valgroup – Descubra qual é o melhor para a sua rotina

Todos os dias, nós geramos lixo em maior ou menor quantidade. Esse volume tem a ver, entre outros fatores, com o contexto em que estamos inseridos: você mora em uma casa? Ela tem jardim ou não? Quintal? Quantas pessoas moram na casa? E se for apartamento? Tem uma empresa?

Essas indagações também são relevantes na hora de escolher o saco de lixo ideal para lidar com os resíduos. Confira esse guia prático:


After all, do you really know what plastic is?

We have already covered many subjects related to the plastic universe here on Valgroup’s blog: technology, innovation, sustainability and its importance to society, among others. Through these, you should have a good idea of the impact plastic has in our lives and how its evolution has revolutionized the industries. But do you know what plastic is?


Why is plastic packaging ideal for food?

You may have noticed that most of the food packaging we come across every day is made of plastic. No wonder. This is because plastic retains the physical and nutritional properties of the food, is resistant to contamination and prolongs product's shelf life.
All this is only possible because plastic is a versatile, lightweight, inert and non-toxic material, and for this reason it is considered the ideal material for food packaging.


5 curiosities about plastic that you probably didn’t know

We know that, for many, plastic is considered harmful to the environment and some people even talk about abolishing the material from the market. However, it is important to point out that plastic is extremely advantageous and beneficial. This is because, when used correctly, it can provide several conveniences, and can be used to manufacture a variety of products, making their cost accessible and our day-to-day lives easier.


Como o plástico revolucionou a logística dos produtos?

Presente em nosso dia a dia e em todos os setores da economia, o plástico tornou-se a principal opção de material para embalar e armazenar produtos dos mais variados segmentos, tanto no transporte como nas prateleiras. Mas você já se perguntou por que as indústrias optam por esse material?


Valgroup invests and acquires two new plants in Italy, expanding recycling and PET preforms production

Valgroup, one of the largest producers, transformers and recyclers of plastic packaging, announces the acquisition of two Italian companies, regional market leaders, NuovaPlast, specializing in PET preform production and 3R, active in the bottle recycling segment. This acquisition will allow Valgroup to enter a new market with a well-established presence and the development of synergic […]


Qual a máquina envolvedora ideal para o seu processo?

Uma dúvida muito comum entre os responsáveis pelas operações produtivas e logísticas das empresas é qual o tipo de máquina envolvedora deve ser adquirida para que se promova segurança aos produtos com um baixo consumo de filme stretch. Afinal, perdas de produtos no transporte e desperdícios de embalagens são dois fatores de alto impacto em […]


Qual a máquina envolvedora ideal para o seu processo? – Parte 2

Para você que acompanhou nossa última publicação, exploramos um pouco sobre as características dos processos de paletização de produtos e envolvimento com filme stretch, a fim de auxiliá-los na seleção da máquina envolvedora ideal, isto é, que promova segurança aos produtos durante o transporte, com um baixo consumo de filme stretch. Aprendemos como selecionar o […]


Innovation, Technology and Efficiency: Wrapping Machines Valgroup

With the aim of of promoting more safety, efficiency and sustainability for business, Valgroup has created its own line of wrapping machines developed with specific technologies for the most efficient use of stretch film. Our machines help companies optimize their palletizing process, promoting efficiency, material savings, cost reduction, greater safety in transportation and consequently a […]


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